
Wednesday, September 24, 2008


So I really wanted to stay out of this because it is being talked about to death...but...I heard something troubling today. I heard that the pricing that was being used to purchase the bad loans was something OTHER than fair market value. I certainly hope that this is not true. If we (the taxpayer) pays one cent more than the fair market value for these loans then we are getting ripped off and our money is effectively subsidizing the banks.

At the end of the day I think it is bad enough that we are buying bad debt. I understand that we *HAVE* to or the whole market may "collapse"... but it certainly is not something that most of us would ever contemplate doing with our own money...oh wait...this *IS* our money (or should I say our debt since this will simply be written against the national debt).

In the end, it will be done...we just need to ensure that we get the best deal possible. I recommend we have someone like Warren Buffet step in and negotiate a good deal on behalf of the American Taxpayer. He has a great track record of driving a great deal...let's use our national resources here on this one!

1 comment:

CherkyB said...

I'm pretty sure they're not going to consult you. But hey, you got it out there. Good for you.