
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

History Course: Great Depression

Now I am not comparing the curreny meltdown directly to the Great Depression...but it is important to know thy past.

1. Dow fell from ~400 to ~40...~90%.  Currenly we are only down about 40%.  Just imagine how you would feel if this were just the halfway point...
2. It took the Dow about 25 years to recover to par value (1929 to 1954)
3. From the low of ~40 it took only 3 months for the market to double back to 80...and then stabalize at 60.
4.  If you had waited for the market to stabalize and then invested in Q4'32 (DJI=60), you would have made 500% (6X your money) by the time the market returned to pre-crash levels.  You need to invest once a bottom materializes. It is less important that you find the exact can wait for some stability before pulling the trigger. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Presidential Tax Braket Estimates

I saw this the other day and figured I would pass it along without too much commentary:

One interesting thing to note...while the statement Obama keeps making that "Only the top 5% (above $250K) will experience an increase" is technically true...this shows that anyone making over $100K actually will fare worse with Obama.  Something I am sure McCain would love to say but obviously can't since he will still piss off the 90% of America who makes <$100K

And remember...the top 5% of the earners already pay 60% of the taxes...I guess we will see how long the top earners will tolerate ~70%.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Forbes on Taxes


Thursday, October 2, 2008

The road to $1,000

This past weekend I cleaned the other 2 air conditioners --> $70.  Although, I did have to have the A/C guys come out and fix one anyway which ended up costing me $ let's call it +$35.

Total:  $342

Oh yeah...and I bet your 401K is down a hell of a lot more than $342...but at least I have $342 more dollars than I would have had.  When the great depression strikes and apples are selling for $0.05...I will be able to feed the family for a while!