
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

GOOd Gravy

So today GOOG closed at $707. Just one week ago I discussed how the price target was $730 so our trigger to sell (5%) would be about $695. Well, that came and went...but in the meantime the price target had been updated to $740. Now we are even within 5% of that mark. My issue is that this stock continues to pour out great news....great growth...expanding into new markets...etc.

So I really struggle with selling this one. I guess the safe play would be to let it stay in the game but to set a automatic sell at a lower point....say $690. That way we can stay in the game (to wait for the price target to be increased again) with minimal downside risk. Even at $690 we would be cashing out with a 44% gain.......Done.

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