So it has been about 4 months since I have posted here....shame on me. The worst part is that I have actually taken a few finiancial steps without posting...double shame on me. So here is what has been happening:
First, I still own GOOG. As of this afternoon it is at $675...up 40% from our original entry 5 months ago at $480. I am seriously struggling with this one....should I sell and lock in these impressive gains. In the end I need to follow my sell rules:
- If there is news representing a fundamental shift to the original assumptions
- If the price reaches a level within 5% of the 1 year target price
Now, the news for GOOG simply continues to get better as they smash through their earnings reports with AAPL-esque that is no reason to sell. When we bought GOOG the target was only $600...but when the stock soared through $600 the price target had already been updated to $730! So now the 5% trigger is set at $695...not quite there yet. So I guess we hold.
Second, I still own my Indian friend TTM. Now that stock is at $20...only up 10% in the past 5 months but it did climb out of a 9% hole to get back to where it is today. The news still remains positive for the most part and the target is still way up at $ I guess we continue to hold on to this one as well and wait for the breakout.
Third, I finally sold my oil stocks (BP and GSF). Both finally reached my sell limit of reaching 5% of the target price. BP netted +16% and GSF netted +32%.
Fourth, I bought and sold a dry bulk shipping stock called Genco Shipping (GNK). That was a quicker trade that only lasted about 2 months but rose from $52 to $69 for a nice 30% gain. This stock also carried a 4% dividend at the time and I received one payment of about 1%...taking the overall gain to about 31%.
But as you can see...I have sold everything but my GOOG and TTM. So again I am faced with finding another Cavitation value entry-point. While I am finding those next money is safely parked in my 5% online savings account ;-)